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A no-brainer for sure, the rating of 89 is that the Dutch monster is one of the top defenders in football. And his statistics on FC 25 reflect this. As imposing on the ground as anyone and his speed, strength and defensive posture ensure that every attack is ripped to pieces around him. Speed of 88 sprints and strong 92 make VVD an athletic freak with 90 interceptions. defensive awareness of 92 FUT 25 Coins along with 92 standing tackle indicate VVD is an expert at reading the game and could walk into any team.
Alongside Van Dijk at the back Van Dijk is joined by Joe Gomez. While boasting a lower score over Joel Matip, Gomez has an impressive pace, with an 85 sprint speed. This means that he's able to keep up with strikers who are fast and can track the deadly central runs. While he boasts average defensive statistics however, his speed alone can get him in the team ahead of Matip who is too slow to play in such a fast-paced game such as FC 25.
The final player to be defended the defense is Trent Alexander-Arnold. The 18-year-old Englishman is a master of passing and his 92 cross-field with 90 long passing statistics make it possible for him to pick massive long balls and score lots of assists. Although not the fastest fullback, with only a speed of 78. Trent makes up for the slowness in his overall ability and similar to Robertson to the opposite side his versatility and speed of thought as well as the speed of his attack highlight the efficiency of his game in the forward direction.
In the midfield, starting off is a player that could easily be a center-back should it be needed. With defensive statistics such as the 88 interception rate and 86 defense awareness the Brazilian can break up attacks and guard the back line without difficulties. Physically, his stamina of 88 is essential as he'll be able to do a lot of work perform defensively. However, his strong passing also allows him to shoot balls forward and create attacks, and his high work rate defensively ensures he can return whenever needed.
The next player to watch will be Jordan Henderson. He is rated 84 and has not having any stats that exceed 90. Henderson is missing a bit of the glitter that's been sprinkled over the players who are more flashy. However, if hardworking, solid and tough midfielder play is what you need Look at this player. With no real weaknesses in any area and a great fit for the box-to-box position and can link attack and defense superbly, and is sturdy and reliable midfield.
Alongside Henderson and rounding out the midfield trio The other midfielder is Thiago. Thiago is a Spaniard is rated 86 in FC 25 that is composed of 90dribbling and 91 agility and 90 stability, making him a formidable player on the ball. While his strength is 59. which implies that he isn't able to win the physical fight but the ball is attached to his boot when moving, which means he is able to buy FIFA 25 Coins and get out of the tightest of spaces. The other benefit is the five-star skills that make playing Thiago an absolute blast for those who enjoy to slam tricks and add a touch of spice to their build-up.